Category Archives: All things Unix

Raising Software: A Tale of Unruly Tools

One of my retirement hobbies has been shooting and editing videos, mostly of our bicycle adventures.  When I was young, back in the middle of the 20th century, one of my uncles had a movie camera and projector, and I learned to splice broken film and edit clips together with razor blades and transparent tape.  He moved away and I grew up, and the skill was filed away as just another data point in How The World Works.

Fast forward to the second decade of the 21st century, when I decided to strap a cheap digital camera to the handlebars of the bicycle.  Digital editing requires software, a much less messy and more forgiving (i.e., non-destructive to the original “film”) process.  Since we use Linux exclusively as our computing platform of choice, there were a number of choices for Open Source video editing projects, mostly attempts to clone commercial video editing software for Windows and Apple.

I looked at Cinelerra and Kdenlive, which are fairly complex tools with a steep learning curve, but settle on OpenShot, a simpler tool with a lot of attractive features and a cleaner, no frills user interface.  Openshot 1 was essentially a one-man project, a user interface written in Python with the Tk graphical toolkit, built on the Unix principle of lots of little programs working together, using the multimedia command-line editor ffmpeg and associated libraries, the Inkscape vector graphics editor, and the Blender animation tools and libraries.

Openshot 1.4.3

OpenShot made it possible to load up a project with multiple clips, arrange them on a timeline, trim the ends or snip out shorter clips, and add titles and audio tracks, like voice-over and musical scores, in multiple overlaid tracks, and turn video and audio on and off by track and clip.   For several years, this worked fine.  However, success is not always a good thing, and Openshot suffered from it.  Not in the usual riches-to-rags story of an entrepreneur or rock star who descends into excess and loses his way, but in the attempt to seek wider appeal.

OpenShot was originally a purely Linux product, as mentioned.  To port the project to Windows, it was necessary, for a project with limited manpower resources, to keep a common code base.  Openshot attempts to keep a smoothly flowing user interface through parallel processing, using OpenMP.  The Windows philosophy is based on a single-user, single-task model rather than the multi-user, multi-tasking model of Unix.  When Windows evolved into a multi-tasking system, it used the pre-emptive model, which is relatively inefficient for the pipelined processing flow in the Unix cooperative model.  So, Windows applications tend to be monolithic, with all resources loaded in one huge process.  Parallel processing in Windows monolithic applications is accomplished largely through threads, rather the inter-process communication protocols.  I’ve programmed with threads in Linux, which tends to be tricky at best, and takes a thorough knowledge of parallel processing and memory management to do successfully.

The move to Windows-compatible architecture necessitated rewriting a lot of the Unix-specific standard library code in C++, which introduces the danger of memory-management issues. Openshot began to get buggy, with newer versions crashing often.  The developers claim it is the fault of unstable system libraries, but I’m not buying that explanation.  Since the user interface was also getting a major overhaul, work on version 2 meant that no more bug fixes were forthcoming for the now-crippled version 1.4.3.  Alas, initial releases of Version 2, with the back end still largely 1.4 code base, was also prone to crashing as well as presenting an unfamiliar user experience.

Openshot 2.4.1

So, we stayed with version 1.4.3 for a while longer, with short auto-save intervals.  Finally, with crashes and deadlocks rampant, we just had to try version 2 again.  Yes, the crashes had been largely fixed, but the new version was a monolithic package wrapped in a “launcher,”  (AppImage), apparently a type of container tool including all of the library dependencies, which rapidly ate up all available memory and much of the swap space, becoming so slow as to be indistinguishable from deadlock. Memory leaks come to mind when seeing this type of behavior.  On top of that, some of our favorite tools for controlling video blanking and audio muting by track were missing, to be restored by popular demand in a future revision.   Back to 1.4.3 .


The other alternative, kdenlive, based on the Konquerer Desktop Environment (kde, not native to Ubuntu, thus necessitating loading the complete KDE library support suite), is yet another learning curve, with many editing feature differences and rendering options.  We did use this for one video, as the internal de-shaking algorithm is a bit more efficient than reprocessing the clips with command-line utilities, and we had a bad experience with a new camera mount that was sensitive to shaking.  Kdenlive also crashes from time to time, lending some credence to the Openshot claim that the system libraries are at fault.

But, I continue on, putting up with slow response, freezes, and crashes, because I’m familiar with the features I like, and it produces acceptable videos.   I may spend some time to learn kdenlive, but, hopefully, Openshot 2 will improve over time.  The other alternative is to try to build a native Ubuntu version from source, which is a daunting task, since most open source software has a very specific support software version dependencies.   Despite the woes with Openshot’s growing pains, it is still faster than writing command-line scripts to use the Linux multi-media-processing utilities ffmpeg or avconv to trim and assemble video clips and sound files.  I use those command-line tools to assemble time-lapse videos from my home-built security camera system, but that is much simpler.

Affordable Linux: A Quest

As most readers know, we here at Chaos Central are a Linux establishment for our primary computing.  We use Apple iPhones and iPads for mobile convenience and casual surfing, but depend on Linux for everything else–with the exception of what has become known at CC as “The Screaming Season,” where we are dependent on Windows to run Turbotax to render unto Caesar.

As much as we’d like to be on a 3 to 5-year cycle for computer upgrade/replacement, retirement, and before that, negotiated fee schedules, have reduced that to “when it breaks, MacGyver it.”  The result has been dismal.  When Judy’s desktop Linux machine died last year, having already received a CPU cooling fan transplant several years ago, salvaged from an old machine before it went to the recyclers, we pressed our old 2007-vintage laptop back into service, restoring her files from backup.  That machine had had a new hard drive and more memory installed during its last incarnation, but the extra memory had faded away, and the CPU not up to the demands of the 2016 version of Ubuntu Linux, so it was running slowly with the reduced-capability desktop.

Since the current crop of machines with pre-installed Linux are aimed at developers rather than standard office use, we couldn’t justify a new laptop from one of the few vendors who supply them.  So, as in the “bad old days,” we went shopping for a cheap Windows laptop on which we could install Linux.  The “cheap” machines are now essentially Microsoft’s answer to the iPad and Android tablets they see as main competition–a light-weight, small-screen device with as small (32GB) flash memory (EMMC) instead of a hard drive, and no optical drive.  Not to worry, I loaded a light-weight version of Linux (Lubuntu) on a 64GB flash drive and it became her new machine, with the added advantage of being portable.  The big disadvantage was the need to plug in the Linux memory stick to run it.  The biggest problem was the short life span of flash drives when used as the primary drive on a Unix-like system.   And, the system was incredibly slow.

Well, in only a few months, the flash drive expired.  No problem, I thought, just build another and restore.  But, as many others have found, the ability to install in the first place was a fluke: these little Windows tablets masquerading as a laptop by having an attached keyboard are finicky: try as I might, I could not get it to boot from the install memory stick again.  So, the little blue Dell machine has become the new Turbotax home, effectively retiring the $80 refurbished Vista->Windows7->Windows10 desktop we acquired a couple years ago and built up (another $40 video card) to run Win10 (badly).

So, Judy was back to the old laptop.  This time, we pressed her old 2010 HP Netbook back into service, even slower and more clunky than the older Compaq (which she also used during this evolution), running a light-weight version of Mint Linux.  The office was beginning to look like the computer labs of the early 2000s, where we pressed piles of recycled obsolete machines into experimental compute clusters to get 21st-century performance out of 20th-century machines, a distributed computing architecture conceived in the mid-20th century but not economically feasible until there was a huge supply of retired machines awaiting landfill space.

A comprehensive check of Linux-capable systems was not promising.  The custom-built laptops (our new criteria is portability to fit our mobile retirement life-style) are expensive and beyond our budget with no current paying clients.  My own laptop, which was high-end (and expensive) in its day (2010) is showing its age, with a too-small disk, weak battery and some screen burn-in.  But, the equivalent new models are in excess of $2000, difficult to justify on a pension without contract income to support it.  Nevertheless, it is only a matter of time before it wheezes its last, so we need to first find an affordable and long-term solution for Judy’s immediate need while keeping in mind the future budget hit for a developer machine.  The other option for affordable Linux-ready or pre-installed laptops are refurbished machines proven to be compatible.  The disadvantage there is the same facing my situation: the batteries are in mid-life, so long-term reliability is an issue,as well as mobile portability.  Older machines are also heavier than desired.

So, we finally settled on a fourth option: installing Linux on a Chromebook.  Chrome is a laptop operating system from Google, a variant of the Android system used on smart phones and tablets.  Since Chrome and Android are basically embedded Linux, it is relatively easy to add Linux to them as a container, using Crouton, a management system similar to the Docker system used to install and manage containers on native Linux machines.  I say relatively, but that assumes some heavy-duty skills in system administration, since Chrome is a locked system.  First, the system must be unlocked into Developer mode, which basically voids the warranty and security protections.  At least, Google does not provide support for a machine in this state.  The hacker community, then, is at the mercy of well-intentioned, but not always well-informed peers for advice.

I followed the available advice in the hacker forums into the corners that most others had painted themselves, finally figuring out an important missing step.  To use the Crouton system, the wily hacker must first use the official Google developer shell to set the root and administrator passwords.  Then, Crouton can access the administrative account to install the Linux container.  The less-helpful solutions offered essentially required reinstalling Chrome and starting over, which was not necessary at all, but the default obvious solution to developers and admins raised in the Age of Windows, where frequent rebooting and periodic reinstalling is considered a normal operational necessity.  Unix and Linux admins only reboot after installing a new kernel, which may be months or years, depending on the stability of the system and whether the management decides to incorporate the latest patches when they are released (many don’t, for fear it will break fragile applications, despite the security risk of not upgrading).

So, now Judy has a brand-new system that, hopefully, will be stable for a reasonable time.  The advantage of this system is that it is still Chrome, so she can use the user-friendly desktop apps available to Chrome, similar to the ones on Apple iOS, and switch to the Linux desktop with a simple key-combination to run the Linux applications we depend on.  A similar key-press combination switches back to Chrome.  And, the Chromebook, though large enough to have a full HD display, is light enough to be highly portable, with a very long battery life.  The minor concession to our ill-advised attempt to co-exist with Windows is that we now have a portable tax preparation machine.  During the rest of the year, we may turn it on once in a while to let the updates install and top off the battery, so that it won’t take three days to update next tax season.

Chromebook, running Chrome with Crouton in a browser window.


Chromebook, running Ubuntu Linux with LXDE, with a simple browser, and essential apps, including Fiberworks Bronze weaving software running under WINE. (a Windows emulator running in a Linux container under Chrome–boggles the mind, no?)

The Parkins Report: Events of 2017

As we move into the beginning of our ninth year of “retirement,” we are finally learning to take life as it comes, with minimal rush.  This includes being involved in activities that satisfy us, rather than from some sense of obligation or need (although there is still plenty of that to go around).


This year was again a year of travel. In January, we headed south the day before Inauguration Day.  The drought had broken in California: we drove in slushy snow in the north and rain in the central and southern parts of the state. The first week, we took Judy’s brother-in-law Ben from Anaheim to San Diego to visit her cousin Margaret, then headed east to New Mexico and west Texas: Las Cruces, El Paso, and Albuquerque, to visit Larye’s children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchild.  Then, it was back to California, via Flagstaff and Bakersfield, then through rain again to San Francisco for a week exploring the city before driving home.

While at home, we worked on our van conversion project, building a folding sleeping platform with room beside it for the bicycle. In April, we made a test run to Idaho, camping overnight to and from McCall, where we spent a week with our friends Gary and Char at a timeshare, getting in a couple of short bike rides despite the snow and wet of central Idaho. We toured the Painted Hills of central Oregon on the way back. While training for the summer bicycling season, we had a frame failure on our Bike Friday, prompting a trip to the factory in Eugene to have it repaired. That trip showed us the old van was not ready for our ambitious touring schedule, so it was back to the shop for some major repairs on that, too.

While our bike was in the shop, we dusted off our 31-year-old Santana tandem for a scheduled charity ride and ended up taking it to Victoria, Canada when we attended the Association of Northwest Weavers Guilds conference over the Canada Day weekend. After the conference, we rode parts of the local trails we missed in the spring of 2010.

At the end of July, we set off on Road Trip 2017, starting with a detour to Eugene to pick up our Bike Friday, then off to northern Idaho for another week with Gary and Char at their vacation home. We soon discovered that our old van had no working air conditioning, so we spent the next six weeks of summer heat reliving the nostalgic days of yesteryear when turning on the “factory air” meant cranking the side windows down.

From Idaho, we headed east, spending a week in western Montana, visiting relatives, some also visiting from Florida and New York, visiting friends in the Bitterroot, and checking out the new Experimental Aircraft Assoc. chapter hangar at the Missoula airport. Heading southeast through Wyoming, we got in some trail riding in Nebraska and a weekend in Lincoln to be there for the total solar eclipse on Monday. After a brief stop in southern Minnesota to drop off a family heirloom with cousin Cathy, we worked our way through Iowa, riding around Lake Okoboji in the northwest, then the High Bridge Trail north of Des Moines. We drove down the Des Moines River, posing for Grant Woods’ American Gothic painting before turning north up the Mississippi River at Keokuk.

At the Quad Cities, we bicycled along the Great River Trail in Moline, Illinois and up Duck Creek in Bettendorf/Davenport, Iowa. We continued up the Iowa side of the Mississippi, then along the Wisconsin/Illinois border and up to Middleton, to visit son Matt and family over the Labor Day weekend, getting in one family bike ride in the process.

Crossing over the Mississippi back in to Minnesota, we stopped in Shakopee to visit a newly found cousin on Larye’s maternal grandfather’s side of the family. We bypassed the traffic around the west side of Minneapolis and checked into a campground on the south end of the Paul Bunyan Trail to ride up the trail to Baxter. The next day, we met with more of Larye’s cousins for a weekend reunion in Baxter and nearby Motley, near where the clan’s great grandparents had homesteaded.
Following the reunion, we rode some more of the Paul Bunyan Trail, starting north of Brainerd where we had turned around two years ago. The next morning, we headed to North Dakota to spend a couple of days with Judy’s cousin Fred and his wife, Ann. Smoke from the fires in Montana made visibility poor, so we pushed on west toward home, bypassing a return stop with the Montana folks to get home after a long trip, with the rain coming in and snow starting in the mountains.

The last weekend in October, we went to Astoria, Oregon to camp at and ride the trails at Fort Stevens State Park, in perfect weather. Our riding was cut short by the first flat on the front tire, which has lasted through two back tires, nearly 6000 km (3600 miles) in six years. The casing is a bit thin in the grooves, and a tiny puncture in the thickest tread: we “retired” it to secondary spare status.

By the end of November, our wanderlust struck again, and we retreated to Long Beach for a few days on the beach, on the edge of winter, one of our favorite times, since the crowds of summer are long gone.  In their place, however, is cold rain.  We also finally got talked into upgrading our vacation club membership, despite uncertain financial future of our status as elderly poor.

A return trip to Vancouver, BC in December capped the touring season, with Char joining us this time, Gary stayed home with a sick pet.

Travel Hosts

Between our own tours, we host international bicycle tourists through the Warm Showers network. We had 14 in April and May, then restricted visitors to “by invitation only” while we were preparing for our summer tours, picking up two more, a weaver from New Zealand we met on Facebook and a 69-year-old world traveler from Australia we met at the Olympic Bakery near Spencer Lake and invited to drop by on his way through Shelton.  On our return in the fall, we took in six more tourists before the rainy season and cold weather.


As the rainy and cooler weather arrived in mid-October, Delia, our feline companion for the past 17 years, lost her struggle with kidney disease, just short of her 21st birthday. She had come to us in Missoula in the spring of 2000, a 3-1/2-year old “pound kitty,” wary of people in general. Over the years, especially after the demise of our other pound kitty, Nicolaus, in February 2005, she warmed to us and spent many hours of lap time in front of the fire. She also came to enjoy the attention of the many bicycle tourists who passed our way. She saw us through four houses and spent a lot of time “vacationing” at Pampered Pets in Darby, Montana and Just Cats Hotel in Olympia, where she was a favorite guest over the last eight years. She had been in poor health for about a year, but rebounded in the spring and summer, her favorite times of the year.

We welcomed a new great-great-granddaughter, Bea, in August, who we have not yet met. Bea joins her brother, Hyperion, in our growing and dispersing family. Visiting family takes longer now that grandchildren and great-grandchildren are becoming adults with their own households and schedules. Judy made a trip back to her hometown, Sunnyside, Washington this fall, for a family gathering of cousins, many of whom she had not met or had not seen for many years: Larye had a weaving class scheduled, so did not attend.


For the first time in more than a dozen years, we have television, the result of upgrading our Internet service, which came bundled with a TV offer. The set is installed in Judy’s upstairs craft studio, which we furnished with a thrift shop small sofa. However, only a few available programs have piqued our interest so far, so the space has become just another reading room in the evenings. Public radio, both broadcast and satellite, remain our primary source of news and entertainment, along with selected video clips on the Internet.We continue to regularly practice yoga at the local senior center (when we are in residence), and attend the Ruby Street Art Quilters group in Tumwater. Judy completed a project for an exhibit at a brew pub in Olympia, and Larye finally finished a 2012 class project quilt as a baby quilt for Bea. We also joined the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library this year and spend one afternoon a week sorting and pricing donated books and restocking the sale shelves, from which the proceeds support youth programs at the library.

We are still active in both the Olympia and Tacoma Weavers Guilds, and Larye manages the web sites for both. We both attended classes at the conference in Victoria this summer, and Larye attended a class in Olympia this fall, but not much progress on projects during this year. Between our travel schedules and taking care of our ailing cat, there simply hasn’t been a lot of time to actual work on the hobby projects for which we belong to the many organizations.

Find our videos on YouTube: Larye’s YouTube Channel, or view a summary of our bike touring season below:

and on Vimeo: Larye’s Vimeo Channel

Home-grown Webcam Evolution

Good, fast, or cheap: pick any two. A few years ago, I decided to build a webcam, rather than buy one, which were about $100, plus whatever monthly service charge for hosting the link on the cloud. I’m not sure I beat the cost, quality, or speed, but it’s kept me actively managing the system. Instead of a plug-n-play wifi-enabled little module, I have a rats-nest of wires, USB hubs, USB external disk drives, Raspberry Pi with external camera on a ribbon cable, and, now, extension cords and 50-foot CAT5e cable. About once a year, I wear out the flash drive that the system runs from, so there is some on-going cost. Plus, much coding in Python and Bash, a distributed network system to process the video, cron jobs, an API key and code to get weather information and sunrise/sunset times to turn the camera on and off.
Meanwhile, the landscaping has grown up around the office window, so the camera sees mostly flowers and bees (left view). So, I moved it to the office closet, which was not so simple. 1) Being “cheap and fast,” the software wasn’t very “good,” so I had to modify the Python code to provide a way to restart the system during the day without losing all the footage: the system keeps a week’s worth of data, and erases last week’s when starting a new day. This also entailed generating images with a timestamp, rather than a simple index, as the camera software libraries start indexing at 1 each instance.
OK, that’s done, and the system retested, bugs fixed, etc., which ended up losing most of a couple day’s surveillance: “cheap” means not having a second system for development and test, and “fast” means not doing a proper code review before testing, which leaves “good” out of the equation.
Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly: after moving the computer/camera, the USB hub and disks into the closet, we weren’t getting communication with the processor.  So, drag everything out next to the desk so we could hook up a console (keyboard, mouse, and monitor) to the computer, retest with the original ethernet cable, then with the long one.  Everything worked, inexplicably, since nothing really changed except having the console hooked up.  Unhooked the console, and moved everything, still running, back into the closet, then adjust the camera  view, and we’re done–except for resetting the key agent so the computer could talk to the video processing computer.
Our program takes a photo every 10 seconds, updated to the web server, then assembles a timelapse video once an hour, showing one hour in 30 seconds.  After letting the revised program run for a couple hours, we checked the logs and directories: still showing last week’s video.  Aha.  The video compositor program needs a numerical sequence for the images in order to assemble a video: the timestamp doesn’t meet specification.  So, back to the drawing board, rewrite the Bash script on the video processing computer to renumber the files in a format the video assembly utility understands.  Success at last.  The system is now fully functional, but made a bit more complex by the simply addition of a restart ability.
The results can be viewed at

So, not fast, not good, and not cheap, when you consider the effort put into a custom, one-of-a-kind system. But, it keeps me in practice coding and designing.  And, because it runs on Linux, I can keep the security patches current: many purchased plug-and-play “appliances” have their code burned in at time of manufacture, and may be designed around already obsolete and buggy software.  My little system has undergone several major upgrades of the Debian Linux distribution core system  (Linux kernel 4.9.35, patched 30 June 2017: latest release is 4.12) and gets regular security patches and bug fixes.  That’s even newer than my primary laptop (Kernel 3. 13.0, patched 26 June 2017).  Considering all the little Rasperry Pi machines scattered around the house, it may be prudent to work on configuring them for diskless boot, in order to preserve the flash memory chips on-board.

Not your plug-n-play webcam…

Don’t WannaCry? Hack-proof Your Computer

As the resident computer “guru emeritus” in our family, I often get questions from family members about computers, particularly computer security.  I’m not a Windows expert by any means, though I was briefly a Windows NT sysadmin in the mid 1990s and the Unix and GNU/Linux systems for which I was responsible had to coexist with, but independent from, Windows Server Active Directory domains throughout the first decade of this century.  As the latest hacker disaster to befall the Windows world sweeps across the planet, I got this request from a cousin:

I was wondering whether you had any advice for us Microsoft PC users and the cyber attack which they predict is rolling our way. We don’t do online banking or bill-paying. We do have a lot of pictures and documents. Most of the pictures I have on a  flash drive. Do you think they will only hit the institutions? Sounds like Europe was not prepared and was operating on an old system. Hopefully our country has a “heads up” to protect our government institutions, airports and banks.

We haven’t fired up our two Windows 10 instances since the news (one is Judy’s new laptop, which runs Linux from a thumb drive “all the time,” the other is a refurbished desktop we only use for TurboTax).  But, when we do, the first thing will be to grab the security patches from M$FT.
1) Always install Microsoft updates as soon as they are released.
2) Any machine that is directly connected to the Internet (i.e., plugged into your DSL or cable modem instead of wifi or a router) is in immediate danger.  So is any machine for which the router firewall is turned off or for which port forwarding is turned on for vulnerable ports.  The “bad guys” use bots that scan the entire Internet looking for open ports to penetrate.  The machine that handles our webcam has port 8080 (redirect to 80 internally) and 22 (secure login for me to access our systems remotely) open: the logs show hundreds of break-in attempts every day.  Naturally, we limit access to accounts that present known secret encryption keys, and don’t write web applications vulnerable to code injection.  Once an attack has gained access to an internal network through any machine, all the machines behind the firewall are vulnerable.  We got hacked last year because I reinstalled the system and didn’t disable the default accounts before putting it back on the network.  It only needs a few minutes exposure to be compromised, with the observed rate of attacks.
3) Downloaded programs, including mislabeled email attachments or web links, can deliver malware that will corrupt your machine: the ransomware currently in the news can get in through an open port without any help from the user, but also through “Trojans” (files that look like something you want or look innocent but aren’t).  A firewall won’t help if you invite them in. The most common attacks are notices that appear to be from your bank or credit card company or utility provider that require you to open an attachment or click on a link to see the notice or respond.  Since modern email apps and web browsers tend to hide the full header or complex URL it is very difficult to tell which ones are fake–misspellings and vague, non-explicit wording in the text are tell-tale, but the safe way to address these is to login to your account through the browser instead of the link in the message to check if it is legitimate.
4) Linux, OS/X, and IOS are much less vulnerable, as they are inherently more secure and a minority target (except for servers and routers, which is why our Linux gateway gets attacked so much).  Security upgrades are much more promptly distributed, as well. Android devices, which are Linux-based, but tend not to be updated regularly, have become vulnerable.  Older routers may also be vulnerable: make sure that external login/configuration is disabled.  Newer routers may be configured for automatic upgrades, but still should not allow external login.
5) As always, good passwords are essential.  Don’t use non-HTTPS web sites from a public wifi access or one that uses a web-page login rather than a wifi connection password.  Anything that is convenient or intuitive is probably not safe.  [See #9 below for more detail]
6) If you must use Windows, do keep up your virus protection subscriptions, even though the worst attacks may be undetectable.
7) If you don’t already do so, buy a USB hard drive larger than your computer hard drive and back up your computer regularly, or subscribe to a cloud service for your important files–photos and documents.  Even if you don’t get hacked, hard drives have a half-life of about 3-5 years and fail with alarming frequency.  Fans die and fry your machine, too: even if the hard drive is still OK, professional file recovery is expensive (an external drive dock compatible with your hard drives is a good investment if you know how to use it).  Keep in mind that laptop hard drives are probably encrypted, so can’t be recovered easily if removed from the computer.
8) Just say “no” to Microsoft…  I know, almost impossible.  We use iOS (iPad, iPhone) and Linux exclusively for Internet use, but still need to fire up Windows now and then and put them on the Internet for Microsoft and other vendor updates, and file taxes, so we share the same dread as everyone else, plus the other burdens of keeping servers and web apps secure.
9) As the WannaCry ransomware plague becomes better revealed, it appears that the primary attack is through the file-sharing protocol used by Microsoft, SMB, or Server Message Block.  If you have enabled file sharing between computers or inadvertently have the service running even if you don’t connect with other computers on your network, you are vulnerable until patched.  Even if your network is secure, i.e., you connect through a router and the firewall is turned on, using a laptop at a public access site can expose you.  Needless to say, your own WiFi router needs to have a strong WPA2 password.  If you have old equipment that uses WEP or no security, upgrade or reconfigure your network now.  Even if guest networks (motels, restaurants, coffee shops, businesses, etc) have WPA2, you may be exposed to attack by other users (or compromised equipment) on the network.  If in doubt, use your smartphone’s data plan on the cellular network instead of your laptop or wifi on your hand-held.
10) The latest information on computer exploits, although technical, is always available on,  the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, a branch of Homeland Security.  This site will have information on severity, what systems are affected, and links to security fixes.
Lastly, if you are hacked, the only recourse is to wipe the disk, reformat, and reinstall the operating system and restore your backed-up data files.  In the event you don’t have a backup, it may be possible for a file recovery service technician to boot your machine into a safe operating system (like Linux) from an external USB drive, mount the drive as data only and recover your data files (if the drive is not corrupted or encrypted by the attack), but it is generally not possible to reliably remove the attacker’s files and restore the operating system without a complete wipe/reinstall.  If the attack is ransomware, the data is not recoverable without the attacker’s decryption key.  Even if you pay the ransom, you may recover your data, but the disk needs to be wiped and reformatted and not placed back on a network until the security fixes have been applied.
If you are curious about the concept of ransomware, hacking in general, and enjoy a good read, check out Neal Stephenson’s novel “REAMDE,” a techno-thriller about ransomware that attacks users of an on-line multi-user game.  The characters include a credit-card thief (briefly), the game designer, Russian mafia, the Chinese hacker, and a Polish white-hat hacker, and the action flows from Seattle to China, Canada, and Montana.  Warning:  heavy on computer and gaming cultural references.  Neal knows his stuff–it’s all realistic tech, if fantastic and wacky.