Good, fast, or cheap: pick any two. A few years ago, I decided to build a webcam, rather than buy one, which were about $100, plus whatever monthly service charge for hosting the link on the cloud. I’m not sure I beat the cost, quality, or speed, but it’s kept me actively managing the system. Instead of a plug-n-play wifi-enabled little module, I have a rats-nest of wires, USB hubs, USB external disk drives, Raspberry Pi with external camera on a ribbon cable, and, now, extension cords and 50-foot CAT5e cable. About once a year, I wear out the flash drive that the system runs from, so there is some on-going cost. Plus, much coding in Python and Bash, a distributed network system to process the video, cron jobs, an API key and code to get weather information and sunrise/sunset times to turn the camera on and off.
Meanwhile, the landscaping has grown up around the office window, so the camera sees mostly flowers and bees (left view). So, I moved it to the office closet, which was not so simple. 1) Being “cheap and fast,” the software wasn’t very “good,” so I had to modify the Python code to provide a way to restart the system during the day without losing all the footage: the system keeps a week’s worth of data, and erases last week’s when starting a new day. This also entailed generating images with a timestamp, rather than a simple index, as the camera software libraries start indexing at 1 each instance.
OK, that’s done, and the system retested, bugs fixed, etc., which ended up losing most of a couple day’s surveillance: “cheap” means not having a second system for development and test, and “fast” means not doing a proper code review before testing, which leaves “good” out of the equation.
Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly: after moving the computer/camera, the USB hub and disks into the closet, we weren’t getting communication with the processor. So, drag everything out next to the desk so we could hook up a console (keyboard, mouse, and monitor) to the computer, retest with the original ethernet cable, then with the long one. Everything worked, inexplicably, since nothing really changed except having the console hooked up. Unhooked the console, and moved everything, still running, back into the closet, then adjust the camera view, and we’re done–except for resetting the key agent so the computer could talk to the video processing computer.
Our program takes a photo every 10 seconds, updated to the web server, then assembles a timelapse video once an hour, showing one hour in 30 seconds. After letting the revised program run for a couple hours, we checked the logs and directories: still showing last week’s video. Aha. The video compositor program needs a numerical sequence for the images in order to assemble a video: the timestamp doesn’t meet specification. So, back to the drawing board, rewrite the Bash script on the video processing computer to renumber the files in a format the video assembly utility understands. Success at last. The system is now fully functional, but made a bit more complex by the simply addition of a restart ability.
So, not fast, not good, and not cheap, when you consider the effort put into a custom, one-of-a-kind system. But, it keeps me in practice coding and designing. And, because it runs on Linux, I can keep the security patches current: many purchased plug-and-play “appliances” have their code burned in at time of manufacture, and may be designed around already obsolete and buggy software. My little system has undergone several major upgrades of the Debian Linux distribution core system (Linux kernel 4.9.35, patched 30 June 2017: latest release is 4.12) and gets regular security patches and bug fixes. That’s even newer than my primary laptop (Kernel 3. 13.0, patched 26 June 2017). Considering all the little Rasperry Pi machines scattered around the house, it may be prudent to work on configuring them for diskless boot, in order to preserve the flash memory chips on-board.